How Faith and Prayer and Loving-right action (and Basketball) Saved a Life

The Big Kid and Basketball

With March Madness just around the corner, and inspired by a wonderful, important, and related LinkedIn post by Amy Olmedo, which resonated so greatly as Amy describes brilliantly how she leveraged the game within the game of basketball for the benefit of the young girls she coached …


And with so many children currently hurting with many resorting to self harm and worse …

I am resharing the short video “The Darkside of Gratitude” that we produced last year for Quint Studer’s Gratitude Symposium brought forth via The Gratitude Group, which highlights a number of key messages including how we also use(d) the game of basketball as a tool to help children.

NOTE: This project was the hardest we ever produced as a family, and yet if folks walk away with an understanding of how faith and prayer and loving-right action (in this case…

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